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Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles

Maronite Catholic Diocese


The Eparchy of Our Lady of Lebanon of Los Angeles is an Eastern-Catholic Maronite Diocese that is based in St. Louis, Missouri, and serves Maronite Catholics from California to Ohio.  The bishop of the Eparchy is Most Reverend A. Elias Zaidan.

The Three Massabki Brothers

Caritas Lebanon

Caritas Lebanon

Caritas Lebanon

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“Darb Mar Charbel” Project

Darb Mar Charbel is the first-ever long-distance pilgrimage route in Lebanon. It is engulfed within the picturesque Lebanese nature and modeled, in many ways, after the Santiago de Compostela trail (Spain). Destined to become a universal heritage for mankind, the Darb, as we hope and believe, will become a much-cherished international pilgrimage destination for our Maronite and Christian youth scattered worldwide, as well as for any pilgrim all over the world and, obviously, for the inland Lebanese population, irrespective of denomination. To read more about the project, please read the letter: Darb Mar Charbel Project Letter
To donate to the Darb Mar Charbel Project please use the button below

Vision for the Future, Mission for Today Capital Campaign

What can I do?
PAUSE, PRAY and ASK what God may be calling you to give on behalf of this effort to serve our local parishes and Eparchial community through this Capital Campaign. Then, as a good steward, you will step up in faith and you will know what your generous gift will be.
Together, let us join pope Francis in his call to “encounter, invite and accompany” all those we meet in Christ’s love. Supporting the mission, vision and ministries of our Eparchy at this time is vitally important to our present and future as Maronite Catholics
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One Time Donation to the Capital Campaign

Office of Protection of Minors and Vulnerable Adults

You have the right to report your story, and we are here to help, listen and connect you to the right services. To ensure the best resources and investigation practices are engaged, we encourage all allegations concerning the abuse and/or neglect of minors and vulnerable adults are reported to the Office of Protection of Minors and vulnerable adults and/or the local police department first before reaching out to the Office of the Protection of Minors and vulnerable adults.

If you need to report,  Dr. Laura Kahwaji, Victim Assistance Coordinator at (323) 428-6815.